

6 Ways to Stay Healthy at College


Since the habits you develop at college will likely stick with you for a long time, now is the perfect time to become healthier. There are many things you can do that require minimal time, effort, and expense but will make a big difference to your life.

1. Keep Your Apartment Clean

Make it part of your routine to do a little cleaning often. Wipe down surfaces and door handles, make your bed every morning, and do your laundry before you run out of clothing. Having a clean home will protect you from illness and improve your mental health. Bear in mind that it’s extra important to clean in the winter, as your windows will be shut more, which allows dust to build up.

2. Exercise Regularly

Much of your life as a college student may be spent sitting — either in class or at your desk when you’re studying at home. This means there’s a good chance you’re not moving enough. However, one of the great things about college is the chance to try out sports and activities you were never able to practice before. Experiment with as many as you can until you find one or a couple you love to incorporate into your weekly routine. You’ll find that you sleep better, improve your immunity, and just feel better overall.

3. Sleep Enough

Many college students try to survive on far too few hours of sleep, often believing that they can make up for what they missed on weeknights through naps on the weekend. However, your body is unable to function well like this. You’ll struggle to focus in class, you’ll be more irritable and stressed, and your immunity will be lower.

Setting a bedtime can help (it’s worth setting a notification on your phone to remind you), but this may not be enough if you find it difficult to fall asleep. The most important thing to do is stop looking at screens at least one hour before bedtime. Blue light wakes up your mind and makes it harder to fall asleep. Use this time to read, do some stretches, work on an art project — whatever helps you relax. In addition, avoid coffee from the late afternoon onward, as caffeine can stay in your body for hours and continue to have an effect.

4. Eat a Balanced Diet

Having the freedom to eat whatever you want can mean you’re tempted to make less-than-ideal choices. Just paying more attention to what you choose can go a long way. Often, mindlessly eating the first thing that appeals to you ultimately won’t be what makes your body feel good. On the other hand, eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, will keep you energized and satisfied.
The best way to eat a healthy diet is to go grocery shopping rather than to rely on what’s available on campus. As well as buying ingredients for meals, think about what you can have for snacks. You’ll end up spending less as a result, since unhealthy snacks sold in stores on campus tend to be pricey.

5. Drink Plenty of Water

Whenever you can, hydrate with water. Carry a reusable bottle with you everywhere: to classes, to your extracurriculars, and when you’re out and about. This is another money-saver, as it will prevent you from needing to purchase beverages, and you’ll end up consuming far less sugar.

6. Know Yourself

Stay alert for signs that you’re becoming unwell or need rest. It can be tempting to ignore indications of exhaustion because you never want to miss out on fun opportunities. However, it’s important to be alert for signs of burnout, as it can impact your academic performance and mean you no longer feel like socializing.

It’s easier to maintain a healthy lifestyle when you have a comfortable place to live. For Durham College student housing, there’s Foundry Simcoe. You’ll have your own room where you can sleep undisturbed, a kitchen where you can prepare healthy meals, and great restaurants nearby for when you don’t feel like cooking. Apply for a lease now while units are still available.

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