

A Guide to Cleaning Your Student Living Space


No matter how busy you are, you do need to keep your living space at university clean. This will be good for your mental and physical health, prevent arguments with roommates, and mean you’re always able to find what you’re looking for. Here are some tips to maintain a tidy space.

1. Clean Before You Move In

Before you start unpacking, disinfect surfaces, door handles, and light switches. Clean the floors, and spray the room with your favourite air freshener to make your new home smell welcoming.

2. Keep Clutter Under Control

Assign every one of your possessions a place in your apartment. When clutter starts building up, put items back where they belong.

3. Do Basic Cleaning Tasks Daily and Weekly

You’ll find it much easier to keep your apartment clean if you do certain tasks every day. This should include making your bed, washing dishes, and generally tidying up. On a weekly basis, throw out expired food, do your laundry, and sort out any papers you’ve accumulated from your classes. All these activities only take a few minutes and will save you from needing to dedicate a large amount of time to cleaning in the future.

4. Create a Cleaning Schedule

Share cleaning tasks for common areas among roommates by writing down what each of you needs to do and putting it into a schedule. Being able to hold someone accountable should ensure that all the cleaning gets done and you avoid disputes. Make sure you include vacuuming or sweeping and mopping, taking out the trash, dusting, and washing the windows.

5. Organize a Thorough Clean at the End of Each Semester

The best time for a deep clean is at the end of each semester. If you’re going to your parents’ home for the break, this will mean you return to a clean apartment that puts you in the right frame of mind at the beginning of the new semester. Even if you’ll be staying in your apartment, it’s a good idea to organize a thorough clean. You can coordinate with your roommates to turn it into a regular event. Use the chance to clean all the appliances, including the fridge, oven, cooktop, microwave, and coffee maker. After you’ve emptied the trash, wash the cans. It’s also worth moving furniture to vacuum underneath. In your own room, you may like to completely empty your closet to vacuum the floor.

It’s easier to keep your home clean when you at least have your own bedroom. This means moving out of on-campus housing and into student apartments. Oshawa students can rent a flat or townhouse suite at Foundry Simcoe. You’ll have an ensuite bathroom and you’ll only share the living room and kitchen with two or four other students. Plus, monthly housing is available to reduce the amount of cleaning you need to do yourself. Sign up now to take advantage of the lowest rate of the year.

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