
Which Laptop Should You Choose for University?

There are many laptops available on the market, and it can be difficult to know what will meet your needs for university. To narrow down your options, you need to consider how you’ll be using your laptop and what kind of functionality you want. Here’s a brief guide to get you started in making an informed decision.

1. Price

Look for a laptop that will provide you with everything you need at the lowest possible price. If there are qualities you’d like your laptop to have but that are nonessential, consider if you can afford a slightly better model. For instance, you may like to have a laptop with a solid-state drive (SSD) rather than a regular hard drive, as these laptops are faster and less likely to break.

2. RAM

The amount of RAM you have will impact how much software you can run at once. You need at least 4 GB of RAM, but it could be worth spending more for 8 GB to make your laptop a better long-term investment — it will be able to cope better with programs in the future that are more demanding.

3. Battery Life

Think about whether you need your battery to last a long time, as a longer battery life will mean you sacrifice performance. If you don’t need a great deal of RAM and want to use your laptop throughout the day without needing to constantly search for an outlet, a long battery life could be ideal.

4. Portability

If you’ll be on the go with your laptop, you’ll also want it to be lightweight and reasonably small. Bear in mind that this is another characteristic that will reduce processing power. It will also mean your laptop has a smaller screen, which could be unsuitable for graphic design and other tasks that require attention to detail. However, if you’ll mainly be using your laptop to take notes and write papers, this is unlikely to be a problem.

5. Screen Resolution

As well as screen size, you need to compare display resolution between different models. Since even the most basic laptops today have a high resolution, you should only pay extra for more than 1080 pixels if you do need this kind of resolution.

6. Hard Drive Storage

When you have a large amount of storage, you never need to worry about running out of space for files and apps. However, you can always store some documents in the cloud. You can probably manage with 128 GB of storage, unless you’ll be working on media files.

7. Operating System

You may like to choose an operating system according to what you feel more comfortable using. Having said that, since you’ll likely pay less if you choose Windows than MacOS, you should also consider your budget. Furthermore, one operating system may be recommended over the other for your major: Macs tend to be the preferred choice for creative majors, whereas Windows is sometimes necessary for certain software, such as for statistics.

If you don’t already have a laptop that’s suitable for university, it’s likely to be one of your biggest investments. The good news is there are other ways you can save money — in particular, by finding affordable student housing. Instead of living in Ontario Tech University residence, move into Foundry Simcoe. Our suites and townhouses are fully furnished and the rent is all inclusive, meaning you won’t have any extra expenses for furniture and utilities. Save even more by signing a lease now to receive our early bird pricing.


How to Make the Most of Long Lectures

Love them or hate them, lectures are critical for helping you understand the material for your classes. Unfortunately, long lectures can feel like a slog, especially if you struggle to pay attention for extended periods of time. Nonetheless, it’s important to make the most of them to take full advantage of your education. Here are some ways to get more out of your lectures.

1. Select Your Seat Wisely

If the lecture hall is large, you may struggle to hear well sitting near the back, particularly if the professor lacks a microphone. Avoid missing information by choosing a seat near the front of the room. You should also sit in the middle to have a clear view of the PowerPoint presentation.

2. Improve Your Note Taking

Experiment with various note taking strategies to figure out what works for you. Try both writing and typing — you’re likely able to type faster, but writing can help you retain more information. Using more than one colour is also useful, as is including diagrams.

3. Consider Recording the Lecture

If your college allows it, you may like to record the lecture with your phone. This could prove useful if you miss parts of the lecture due to your mind wandering. Having a recording is also helpful if you find that your notes are unclear in places, as you can listen again to what the professor said.

4. Ask Questions

It’s important to clear up any doubts you have about the lecture. Some professors welcome questions during lectures, whereas others prefer students to stay quiet. In the case of the latter, you can either stay behind for a few minutes after the lecture or make a note of your question and pay the professor a visit during office hours.

5. Stay Hydrated

Bring a bottle of cold water with you to your lecture to stay hydrated. You’ll find this maintains your energy levels better than large amounts of caffeine or sugar, as you won’t experience a crash when the effects wear off. If you have a couple of long lectures on the same day, this will be crucial.

6. Make Friends with Your Classmates

It’s easier to handle long lectures when you attend with friends. If no one you already know is in the class, put in the effort to make a couple friends. You’ll be able to study together to compare notes, discuss ideas, and generally support each other.

7. Choose Interesting Classes

Even the longest lectures are enjoyable if you’re interested in the topic. On the flip side, though, sitting through a long lecture for a class you find boring can be challenging. Read class descriptions and talk to other students before you come to a decision about what classes to take, and drop any classes you dislike early enough to take something else.

Making the most of long lectures is just one way you’re more likely to succeed at college. Another is dedicating enough time to studying on your own — although this is often easier said than done, especially if you face numerous distractions due to living in student residence. The solution is to move into an apartment. For Durham College off-campus housing, there’s no better option than Foundry Simcoe. Our fully-furnished suites and townhouses are designed to suit the student lifestyle. Sign a lease now to take advantage of our early bird pricing.